
Requests use JSON Objects and responses are also in JSON Object format. The request is mainly divided into ticket field, type field, and format field. You can specify multiple type fields in a single request. For details on the ticket field and format field, please refer to Request Method and Format.


Request format

[{Ticket Field},{Type Field},....,{Type Field},{Format Field}]

Type Field

This is a field for listing the market data you want to receive.
The fields isOnlySnapshot and isOnlyRealtime are optional. If both are omitted, you will receive both snapshot and real-time data.

/Field Name
typeStringData type
codesListMarket code
*Request in C.
levelDoubleAggregate unitX
isOnlySnapshotBooleanProvides only quote snapshot market data.Xfalse
isOnlyRealtimeBooleanProvides only real-time market data.Xfalse


v1.4.4 Customize Orderbook by Units (Only KRW Market)

Customize the orderbook by units using the level field.
Check the supported units as follows: Supported units differ by digital assets.
*Check here to customize units by digital assets.
Please note that you will receive an empty list in return if you enter a level that is not supported for a specific digital asset.

- 100000000
- 10000000
- 1000000
- 100000
- 10000
- 1000
- 100
- 10
- 1
- 0
- 0.1
- 0.01
- 0.001
- 0.0001    
- 0.00001   
- 0.000001  
- 0.0000001 


Custom function for Orderbook Unit quantity is added from v1.1.0

From v1.1.0, you can adjust the quantity of Orderbook Units within the maximum provided amount (15) only for orderbook type packets.

Please input the market code and unit quantity in the codes as follows.

Format: {code}.{count}
ex) "KRW-BTC.5", "BTC-XRP.3"


Field Name
Simplified Format (format: SIMPLE)
codecdMarket code (ex. KRW-BTC)String
total_ask_sizetasTotal remaining volume of asking ordersDouble
total_bid_sizetbsTotal remaining volume of bidding ordersDouble
orderbook_unitsobuOrder book detailsList of Objects
ask_priceapAsk priceDouble
bid_pricebpBid priceDouble
ask_sizeasRemaining volume of askingDouble
bid_sizebsRemaining volume of biddingDouble
timestamptmsTimestamp (millisecond)Long
levellvCustomize orderbook by units (default: 0, default unit)
*This is supported only in KRW market. BTC, USDT markets will request 0 as default.
*Check here to customize units by digital assets.
DoubleOrderbook Units



level value is not mandatory. If omitted, it request DEFAULT(0) default orderbook unit.

    "ticket": "test"
    "type": "orderbook",
    "codes": [
    "level": 10000
    "format": "DEFAULT"

Set the level value as below to check supported units by digital assets.

        "ticket": "test"  
        "type": "orderbook",  
        "codes": [  
        "level": 10000  
        "type": "orderbook",  
        "codes": [  
        "level": 0  
        "format": "DEFAULT"  


  "type": "orderbook",
  "code": "KRW-BTC",
  "timestamp": 1704867306396,
  "total_ask_size": 7.3262086,
  "total_bid_size": 29.27948667,
  "orderbook_units": [
      "ask_price": 61820000,
      "bid_price": 61800000,
      "ask_size": 1.44125174,
      "bid_size": 8.95463042
      "ask_price": 61830000,
      "bid_price": 61790000,
      "ask_size": 0.025,
      "bid_size": 2.65037043
      "ask_price": 61840000,
      "bid_price": 61780000,
      "ask_size": 0.00161707,
      "bid_size": 0.26890135
      "ask_price": 61850000,
      "bid_price": 61770000,
      "ask_size": 0.06059401,
      "bid_size": 0.63729629
      "ask_price": 61860000,
      "bid_price": 61760000,
      "ask_size": 0.08702514,
      "bid_size": 0.33709503
      "ask_price": 61870000,
      "bid_price": 61750000,
      "ask_size": 0.21193036,
      "bid_size": 0.62382278
      "ask_price": 61880000,
      "bid_price": 61740000,
      "ask_size": 0.95938473,
      "bid_size": 1.14006691
      "ask_price": 61890000,
      "bid_price": 61730000,
      "ask_size": 0.35962299,
      "bid_size": 0.90819049
      "ask_price": 61900000,
      "bid_price": 61720000,
      "ask_size": 1.02822787,
      "bid_size": 5.32751807
      "ask_price": 61910000,
      "bid_price": 61710000,
      "ask_size": 0.09103111,
      "bid_size": 0.54694518
      "ask_price": 61920000,
      "bid_price": 61700000,
      "ask_size": 2.86063421,
      "bid_size": 1.90083344
      "ask_price": 61930000,
      "bid_price": 61690000,
      "ask_size": 0.11484434,
      "bid_size": 3.40407167
      "ask_price": 61940000,
      "bid_price": 61680000,
      "ask_size": 0.01953653,
      "bid_size": 1.23800334
      "ask_price": 61950000,
      "bid_price": 61670000,
      "ask_size": 0.02769878,
      "bid_size": 0.24941321
      "ask_price": 61960000,
      "bid_price": 61660000,
      "ask_size": 0.03780972,
      "bid_size": 1.09232806
  "stream_type": "REALTIME",
  "level": 10000