You may use various methods to test getting market prices by using WebSocket.
The most well-known methods are telsocket or wscat.

Using wscat

$ npm install -g wscat
$ wscat -c wss://
connected (press CTRL+C to quit)

Using telsocket

$ telsocket -url wss://

If you want real-time information on the KRW-Bitcoin (KRW-BTC) market, you can make the request as follows.

$ telsocket -url wss://

If you do not specify whether you want to receive only snapshot information or real-time information, you will receive "Snapshot Information" first and then "Real-time Information" continuously. If you want to receive information on multiple markets simultaneously, you can indicate multiple markets in the codes field by separating them with commas (,).

For example, if you want to receive only "real-time trade information" in a "simplified format" from the KRW-Bitcoin (KRW-BTC) market and Bitcoin-Bitcoin Cash (BTC-BCH) market, you can make the following request.

$ telsocket -url wss://

In the same way, you will receive a snapshot first, followed by the real-time transaction status.

All of the above requests are based on the assumption that the WebSocket connection is successful.

Some additional request examples are as follows.

  1. trade data of the KRW-BTC and BTC-XRP markets

  2. orderbook data of the KRW-BTC and BTC-XRP markets

  3. 1st ~ 3rd Orderbook of the KRW-BTC market, 1st ~ 5th Orderbook of the BTC-XRP market

  4. trade data of the KRW-BTC market, orderbook data of the KRW-ETH market

  5. trade data of the KRW-BTC market, orderbook data of the KRW-ETH market, ticker data of the KRW-EOS market
    [{"ticket":"UNIQUE_TICKET"},{"type":"trade","codes":["KRW-BTC"]},{"type":"orderbook","codes":["KRW-ETH"]},{"type":"ticker", "codes":["KRW-EOS"]}]

If you are requesting multiple types of information simultaneously, you can categorize the information types through the "type" field in DEFAULT format and "ty" field in SIMPLE format.