
v1.4.4 Customize Orderbook by Units (Only KRW Market)

Customize the orderbook by units using the level field.
Check the supported units as follows: Supported units differ by digital assets.
*Check here to customize units by digital assets.
Please note that you will receive an empty list in return if you enter a level that is not supported for a specific digital asset.

- 100000000
- 10000000
- 1000000
- 100000
- 10000
- 1000
- 100
- 10
- 1
- 0
- 0.1
- 0.01
- 0.001
- 0.0001    
- 0.00001   
- 0.000001  
- 0.0000001 


Field NameDescriptionType
marketMarket IDString
timestampOrderbook timestampLong
total_ask_sizeTotal remaining volume of asking orders.Double
total_bid_sizeTotal remaining volume of bidding orders.Double
orderbook_unitsOrderbook detailsList of Objects
ask_priceAsk priceDouble
bid_priceBid priceDouble
ask_sizeRemaining ask priceDouble
bid_sizeRemaining bid priceDouble
levelCustomize orderbook. byunits (default: 0, default unit)
*This is supported only in KRW market. BTC, USDT markets will request 0 as default.
\*Check here to customize units by digital assets.

orderbook_unit includes information on 15 orders and contains information in order from the 1st-order, 2nd-order... 15th-order.
