Get Order List.

Request Parameters


Notice for the changes on states parameter (2021. 03. 22 ~)

From 22-03-21, incomplete orders (wait, watch) and complete orders(done, cancel) cannot be viewed in mixture.

Ex 1) View done, cancel orders all at once => available
Ex 2) View wait, done orders all at once => Unavailable (need to call each API separately)

Please refer to the notice on the developer’s center for further details.

Field NameDescriptionType
marketMarket IDString
uuidsThe list of UUID ordersArray
identifiersThe list of orders identifierArray
stateThe state of order

- wait : waiting for orders to be completed (default)
- watch : wait for reserved orders
- done : completed all orders
- cancel : Cancel ordersWhen market order is not inquired on the order list lookup API: A market buy order can occur in both cases when the order status is cancel or done after being executed.

- If an order balance occurs after the execution at market price, the remaining balance will be returned and processed as cancel. In most cases, an insignificant amount that is not divisible to 8 decimal places will accrue as the order backlog.
- If there is no order remaining and all orders are completed, the order status will turn into done.
statesThe list of states

* Incomplete orders (wait, watch) and Completed orders (done, cancel) can’t be viewed in mixture
pageThe number of page, default : 1Number
limitThe number of request, default : 100Number
order_byArray Method

- asc : ascending
- desc : descending (default)



Support for new order types and conditions (Check available markets through the Announcement)

  • New Order Type added: Best Order (Add best type at ord_type)

  • New Condition Type added: IOC (Immediate or Cancel), FOK (Fill or Kill)

    • time_in_force field is newly added. Available type are ioc and fok.

Field NameDescriptionType
uuidInherit ID for ordersString
sideKinds of ordersString
ord_typeMethod of ordersString
priceCurrency price at the moment of orderNumberString
stateState of orderString
marketInherit key for the orderString
created_atThe time when the order was madeDateString
volumeThe amount of order entered by the usersNumberString
remaining_volumeThe amount remaining after the orderNumberString
reserved_feeThe cost reserved for the commissionNumberString
remaining_feeRemaining commission feeNumberString
paid_feeUsed commission feeNumberString
lockedFee being used for transactionsNumberString
executed_volumeThe amount of the orders madeNumberString
trades_countThe number of Transactions in the orderInteger
time_in_forceIOC, FOK SettingsString