Market List available for trading on Upbit
market_warning field to be deprecated
field to be deprecated. Kindly use themarket_event
field to check for investment warnings or cautions.
Field Name | Description | Type |
market | Market information provided by Upbit | String |
korean_name | Korean name of supported digital asset | String |
english_name | English name of supported digital asset | String |
market_warning | Whether the digital asset is marked as 'Investment Caution'NONE (Not applicable), CAUTION (Investment Caution)*To be deprecated | String |
market_event.warning | Upbit market events > Investment Warning *Please refer to the related announcement for the classification of Market events. | Boolean |
market_event.caution | Upbit market events > Investment Caution *Investment caution types: For more information check the announcement page. - PRICE_FLUCTUATIONS : Notification of rapid price fluctuations- TRADING_VOLUME_SOARING : Notification of a sudden increase in trading volume- DEPOSIT_AMOUNT_SOARING : Notification of a sudden increase in deposit amount- GLOBAL_PRICE_DIFFERENCES : Notification of significant global price differences- CONCENTRATION_OF_SMALL_ACCOUNTS : Notification of a concentration of small accounts. | Object |