Request Order List by Closed Order

Request Parameters


Request orders using Closed Order(done, cancel).

Field NameDescriptionType
marketMarket IDString
stateOrder Status

done : All completed orders
cancel : Order cancel

- If a market order is not retrieved: A market buy order can have both a cancel and done order status after execution.
- Remaining order quantity after a market order is executed will be returned and the order will be canceled. In most cases, a minimal amount that does not divide evenly up to 8 decimal places will become the order quantity.
- If the order is executed exactly without any remaining quantity, the order state will be done.
statesList of Order Status, default: ['done', 'cancel']

***The default values are for both done and cancel.
* 'state' and 'states' cannot be used at the same time. Please specify only one of them.
start_timeRequest start time (based on order creation time)

-start_time and end_time must be in ISO-8601 format with Time Zone included. (ex. 2024-03-13T00:00+09:00)

- If both start_time and end_time are not defined, orders up to 7 days before the current time will be retrieved
- If only start_time is defined, orders up to 7 days after start_time are retrieved.
- If only end_time is defined, orders within the past 7 days from end_time will be retrieved.
- If both start_time and end_time are defined, orders within a maximum range of 7 days will be retrieved.
- *Even if orders are within the specified time frame, they will not be retrieved if they exceed the limit count, try in smaller batches.
end_timeRequest End Time (based on Order Creation Time)String
limitNumber of requests, default: 100, max: 1,000

- The maximum number of orders that can be viewed is 1,000, and if the number of orders within the time range exceeds 1,000, the time range must be searched separately.
order_bySorting Method

- asc : ascending
- desc : descending (default)

*By default, if no parameters are specified, the response will include the most recent 100 closed orders within the last 7 days.


Field NameDescriptionType
uuidUnique Order IDString
sideKinds of ordersString
ord_typeMethod of orders

- limit : Limit Order
- price : Market Price Order (Bid)
- market : Market Price Order (Ask)
- best : Best Order
priceCurrency price at the moment of orderNumberString
stateState of orderString
marketMarket IDString
created_atThe time when the order was madeDateString
volumeThe amount of order entered by the usersNumberString
remaining_volumeThe amount remaining after the orderNumberString
reserved_feeThe cost reserved for the commissionNumberString
remaining_feeRemaining commission feeNumberString
paid_feeUsed commission feeNumberString
lockedFee being used for transactionsNumberString
executed_volumeTraded VolumeNumberString
executed_fundsExecuted fund NumberString
trades_countThe number of Transactions in the orderInteger
time_in_forceIOC, FOK setting

- ioc : Immediate or Cancel
- fok : Fill or Kill

*Null value Fields are excluded from the response. (e.g., in the case of an order without IOC or FOK settings, the time_in_force field will not be included in the response.)
