Field Name | Simplified Format (format: SIMPLE) | Description | Type | Value |
type | ty | Type | String | ticker : Current market price |
code | cd | Market ID (ex. KRW-BTC) | String | |
opening_price | op | Opening price | Double | |
high_price | hp | High price | Double | |
low_price | lp | Low price | Double | |
trade_price | tp | Closing price (Current price) | Double | |
prev_closing_price | pcp | Previous closing price(UTC+00:00) | Double | |
change | c | Change price type compared to the previous day’s closing price. | String | RISE EVEN FALL |
change_price | cp | Unsigned change price compared to the previous day’s closing price. | Double | |
signed_change_price | scp | Signed change price compared to the previous day’s closing price. | Double | |
change_rate | cr | Unsigned change price rate compared to the previous day’s closing price. | Double | |
signed_change_rate | scr | Signed change price rate compared to the previous day’s closing price. | Double | |
trade_volume | tv | Last trade volume | Double | |
acc_trade_volume | atv | Accumulated trade price (from UTC+00:00) | Double | |
acc_trade_volume_24h | atv24h | 24 hrs accumulated price. | Double | |
acc_trade_price | atp | Accumulated trade volume (from UTC+00:00) | Double | |
acc_trade_price_24h | atp24h | 24 hrs accumulated trade volume | Double | |
trade_date | tdt | Trade date (UTC) | String | yyyyMMdd |
trade_time | ttm | Trade time (UTC) | String | HHmmss |
trade_timestamp | ttms | Trade timestamp (milliseconds) | Long | |
ask_bid | ab | Order type | String | ASK BID |
acc_ask_volume | aav | Accumulated ask volume | Double | |
acc_bid_volume | abv | Accumulated bid volume | Double | |
highest_52_week_price | h52wp | 52 week high price | Double | |
highest_52_week_date | h52wdt | Date of 52 week high price Format: yyyy-MM-dd | String | yyyy-MM-dd |
lowest_52_week_price | l52wp | 52-week low price | Double | |
lowest_52_week_date | l52wdt | Date of 52-week low price Format: yyyy-MM-dd | String | yyyy-MM-dd |
trade_status | ts | Trade status *deprecated | String | |
market_state | ms | Trade status | String | PREVIEW : Deposit service ACTIVE : Trading support available DELISTED : Termination of trading support |
market_state_for_ios | msfi | Trade status *deprecated | String | |
is_trading_suspended | its | Whether the transaction is suspended | Boolean | |
delisting_date | dd | Delisting date | Date | |
market_warning | mw | Whether the digital asset is marked as 'Investment Caution' Returns whether or not 'Investment Warning (Yellow badge)' is designated, and 'Investment Caution (Orange badge)' designation is not supported yet. For more information about Upbit Market Alert, please refer to the relevant announcements. | String | NONE CAUTION |
timestamp | tms | Timestamp (millisecond) | Long | |
stream_type | st | Stream Type | String | SNAPSHOT REALTIME |
- Current market price of
"ticket": "test example"
"type": "ticker",
"codes": [
"format": "DEFAULT"
"type": "ticker",
"code": "KRW-BTC",
"opening_price": 31883000,
"high_price": 32310000,
"low_price": 31855000,
"trade_price": 32287000,
"prev_closing_price": 31883000.00000000,
"acc_trade_price": 78039261076.51241000,
"change": "RISE",
"change_price": 404000.00000000,
"signed_change_price": 404000.00000000,
"change_rate": 0.0126713295,
"signed_change_rate": 0.0126713295,
"ask_bid": "ASK",
"trade_volume": 0.03103806,
"acc_trade_volume": 2429.58834336,
"trade_date": "20230221",
"trade_time": "074102",
"trade_timestamp": 1676965262139,
"acc_ask_volume": 1146.25573608,
"acc_bid_volume": 1283.33260728,
"highest_52_week_price": 57678000.00000000,
"highest_52_week_date": "2022-03-28",
"lowest_52_week_price": 20700000.00000000,
"lowest_52_week_date": "2022-12-30",
"market_state": "ACTIVE",
"is_trading_suspended": false,
"delisting_date": null,
"market_warning": "NONE",
"timestamp": 1676965262177,
"acc_trade_price_24h": 228827082483.70729000,
"acc_trade_volume_24h": 7158.80283560,
"stream_type": "REALTIME"