Request a withdrawal in KRW. Withdrawals to your registered withdrawal account.

Request Parameters


Update v1.4.1 : Mandatory specification of two_factor_type & Termination of 'Kakao Pay Authentication' with support for 'Kakaotalk Authentication' (now in effect)

  • kakao has been added as a 2 Factor Authentication Method as of November 20th.
  • two_factor_type field has become a mandatory field without a default value. Therefore, when requesting a withdrawal in KRW, you must specify the two_factor_type value in your request as of December 18th.
  • kakao_pay is no longer availble as a 2-Factor Authentication method as of December 18th.

For more information, please refer to the Announcement.

Field NameDescriptionType
amount *Withdrawal QuantityNumber
two_factor_typeTwo-factor authentication solution type kakao_pay : 2FA via Kakao
naver : 2FA via Naver


Field NameDescriptionType
typeWithdrawal TypeString
uuidUnique ID for WithdrawalString
currencyCurrency SymbolString
txidTransaction ID for WithdrawalString
stateWithdrawal StatusString
created_atWithdrawal Generation TimeDateString
done_atWithdrawal Completion TimeDateString
amountWithdrawal AmountNumberString
feeWithdrawal FeeNumberString
transaction_typeWithdrawal Type
default : General Withdrawal
internal : Lightning Withdrawal